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护理学硕士(MSN)是雇主在招聘护理人员时最看重的一项资格——而且有很多雇主都在寻找这样的人. 根据Lightcast™数据, 在一年内(2020-2021年),这一数字为5,899个护理职位,其中MSN是招聘机构最看重的条件. During that same period, only 2,917 people graduated with an MSN degree.

对熟练护士的需求肯定是存在的. And to meet that need there are a number of programs in place for nurses to earn an MSN. 这篇文章将探讨你在选择MSN学位课程时应该考虑什么,以及你将做出什么样的承诺来获得学位.


The move up from RN-to-MSN happens on a somewhat variable timeline, 你目前持有的学位(ADN ?, ASN, or BSN), 课程的课程表, your specialized area of focus and your full or part-time student status.

当考虑这些变量的中位数平均值时, 注册护士有可能在16-28个月内获得MSN(在完成过桥课程之后)。.


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, featuring helpful advice and thoughtful insights from nursing experts.



如果你是注册护士, you can get a “jump start” on your MSN degree by completing bridge coursework. 这是短期的, 密集的课程设计,使每个人进入一个特定的MSN项目有相同的知识基础.

“RN-MSN选项使学生能够在获得副学士学位或护理文凭的基础上,通过为期12周的过渡课程,为获得MSN学位提供途径,詹妮弗·凡·温克尔说, DNP候选人, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FNP主席, MSN-Generalist and MSN-Nurse Administrator programs at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. “在桥牌上, students learn the standards expected from a nurse as they relate to professionalism, 研究与理论, to impact practice; leadership roles in quality improvement and information management; healthcare policy and regulation; and healthcare principles for individuals and groups and communities.” 


After you have completed a bridge program, you will be ready to pursue your MSN. There are three factors that can impact your completion time.

1. 校园和. 在线学习机会

  • 校园

Nurses commonly work long shifts, around the clock and on weekends. This intensive workload can make scheduling classes on-campus difficult, but not impossible. 特别是在类可用性有限的情况下.

参加校内课程意味着你可能需要根据课程的可用性来安排学习时间, which could result in stretching out your time in school longer than planned. Even so, 与老师和同学在教室里的能力确实提供了一定的好处. 

  • Online

在线课程提供了灵活性,可以帮助你在平衡繁忙日程的同时获得学位. 课程将由教师指导或自行定节奏, which puts a particular responsibility for success with you. But you may be giving up the benefits of the in-class experience in the process. 

  • 混合学习

第三种选择是混合学习模式,将校内课程和在线课程结合起来. A hybrid track provides the benefits of both an in-person instructor and online flexibility. 它还提出了同样的担忧,即安排校园课程和错过虚拟课程的课堂体验.

2. 学生的地位

Will you be going after your MSN as a full-time or part-time student? 

全日制学生 通常每学期需要6个或更多的学分. (There is generally a cap on the total number of credit hours you can take in any one term.)

兼职学生 是一个宽泛的类别,涵盖参加课程的一半时间(3-5学时)和不到一半时间(1-2学时)的学生。. 


在考虑你的注册状态时, 除了考虑学分, 您还可能面临“负载时间”.” A credit hour and load hour are equal with one exception. Load hours for accelerated courses are equal to twice the credit hours. 

3. 工作和生活的平衡

Earning an MSN will most likely not be the only thing happening in your life. You 
可能有效, 有家庭责任, 社区的承诺, 或者是那些占用你时间的个人事务. It will be important to find a balance between your current life and your pursuit of an MSN.

看看MSN程序, consider not just what works with your current life situation and career plans, 而且还要适合你的学习方式. 你希望你的经历是积极和成功的,所以你要确保你选择的学习轨道完全适合你.

There are a variety of RN-to-MSN paths that you could take. What’s important is that the path chosen will best fit your lifestyle and career ambitions.



  • 你完成过桥或BSN课程了吗?
  • Did you previously start and stop an MSN program and have credits to transfer?
  • 你的专业领域是什么?

作为基准, 一个rn到msn的项目可能需要你在核心项目课程中获得60个学分. This number fluctuates based on the area of specialization you will pursue. 如果你每学期都修满了课程(12学分), 你可以在5个学期或2年半的时间内完成. 

But just meeting those class requirements doesn’t mean that you’ve earned your degree.

MSN programs also have some level of clinical requirements that must be met. 比如在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 一个MSN轨道要求完成四门临床课程,每门课程需要150个临床小时,在医疗保健站点有一名导师.


每个人都以自己的节奏和方式学习. 这使得你很难确定你在课堂外学习的时间,但有一个大致的估计可以用来给你在计划你的MSN课程负荷时提供一些指导. 在教室里的每一个小时, 你会花2-3个小时做作业, 项目, 研究和作业.

如果你是全日制6学分的学生, you may actually be spending 15 hours inside of a classroom each week. 使用上面的公式意味着你可以在课堂外花30-45个小时做与课堂相关的工作.

当然, 这个数字会随着你的课程而变化, 科目和教授,但它确实提供了获得MSN所需付出的努力的快照.


An MSN offers a great opportunity to accelerate your growth, 担任新的领导职务, 提供更好的病人护理. 成功地获得学位, 你需要找到一所大学,它将为你提供作为一名在职护士所需的独特支持.

决定一所大学是否适合你, 从整体上看MSN项目,然后仔细观察组成该项目的每个组成部分.


1. 桥梁项目
桥梁项目 is considered an “educational gateway” to an MSN. 它由1-2节课组成,提供了一些你在MSN项目中需要知道的基本概念.

如果你是有BSN的注册护士, 你将不需要采取桥梁途径,而是可以开始与核心MSN课堂作业.

2. 核心课程
The core coursework will include studies of advanced nursing theory, 注重临床应用的实践与研究.

3. 临床
In order to earn any MSN degree you will need to complete clinicals with a preceptor. You could be required to have 400-700 clinical hours completed before graduation.

4. 顶石项目
有些学位需要完成顶点课程. This is usually a combination of coursework and up to 80 hours of clinical time.

在完成认证课程后, 您将有资格申请参加由美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)或美国护士从业人员协会(AANP)提供的任何相关认证考试。.


一旦你决定攻读MSN学位, there are some specific choices you can make to help you earn that degree faster.

1. 选择一个在线MSN程序. 对于获得BSN的注册护士来说,在线学位通常是获得MSN的最受欢迎的途径. According to Lightcast™, online MSN degree completions have increased 192.2012年至今3%. 不管护士是白班还是夜班, an online degree offers around-the-clock options that can work into their busy schedules.

2. 探索RN-to-MSN程序. 如果你没有获得护理学学士学位(BSN),但有注册护士执照, an RN-to-MSN program provides a streamlined path to an advanced degree. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的RN-to-MSN项目提供了一个直接的途径,可以节省你的时间和金钱. 通过成功完成为期12周的在线桥梁课程, 你有资格直接进入MSN项目,可以在16-28个月内毕业并获得学位. 

3. 选择一个加速的rn到msn程序. These degree pathways are designed for RNs who don’t have a BSN. 作为项目的一部分, you’ll work with an advisor to create a curriculum path that gets you to graduation quickly.


随着对高学历护士需求的增加, 护理硕士学位可以帮助你从其他申请人中脱颖而出,并使你成为护理领导者. Earning your MSN will certainly require hard work and dedication. However, 当你找到适合你目前工作/生活状况的项目时,这个学位可能比你想象的更容易实现.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s nursing degree plans are designed to meet the demands of busy RNs,凡·温克尔说. “多样化的护理师资队伍由护理临床和领导专家组成,他们在各自的领域保持当前的实践,课程课程通过shadowwhealth和iHuman来实现。, 最先进的仿真软件.”

了解更多有关 十大正规赌博平台大全排行rn到msn程序课程 以及它如何有利于你的职业目标.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.