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会计不仅仅是数字运算. 而数学仍然是会计职业生涯的基础, 拥有全面的技能是很重要的.

露西娅具体, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的兼职教员, says she’s seen the role of an accountant substantially expand: “Accountants are expected to think strategically, 推动商业价值, 在商业决策中更积极主动.”

你是否考虑以会计为职业, or you’ve been in the field for several years and are looking to take the next step in your career, it’s important to consider the question: What skills and qualities do accountants need?


什么是会计硬技能? 硬技能是正式学习并在实际应用中磨练出来的. 对于会计师来说,有7项硬技能可以成为成功的关键.

  1. 数据分析: Data analysis is about taking the numbers apart and then deriving insights from all of the disparate data points. Or, 换句话说, it’s about knowing how to take the information you see and turn it into actionable segments of data. (And remember: While understanding historical information is important, 监控预测数据是必要的.)
  2. 技术水平: 计算尺和计算器? 那是昨天的事了. 如今,会计必须能够在Alteryx工作, 表, 亥伯龙神, 甲骨文, Excel, 甚至Quickbooks. 
    就在地平线上,有一个巨大的未知:人工智能. “人工智能是下一个发展方向,”斯米特说. “有趣的是,它将成为会计的一部分. 我想说的是,人工智能永远不会消除会计方面的工作. 有太多的主观判断.”
    索耶史密斯, 高级副, 保证(毕马威), 注册会计师, says AI presents an additional need for “people who can filter up and manage those new technologies.”
  3. 统计分析: 会计师需要做的不仅仅是计算. 他们必须获取数据,并从中得出简明的见解. That can be done by finding the mathematical relationships between data points.
  4. 写作: 一旦会计得出了结果, 如何呈现信息与找到信息同样重要. 书写清晰的能力, 业务-friendly way can help to turn information into needed actions. 毕竟, if you’re only speaking “accounting” it may be hard for others to see the 业务 value in your work. 
  5. 项目管理: 因为会计涉及业务的每一个部分, 他们的技能, 人们总是需要意见和见解. It can be easy to disappoint one department because you’re focused on helping another. 具备管理多个项目的能力, 时间线, 业务需求, 报告截止日期, 归档截止日期和个性——这是一项很难掌握的技能.
  6. 业务管理: 作为核心业务团队的一员,帮助制定关键决策, accountants have to have an understanding of general 业务 principles and practices.
  7. 监管管理: 税, 个人理财, 业务, 取证, nonprofit - there are any number of areas an accountant can specialize in. 它们的共性? 规章制度和法律. 你有责任去了解、理解并遵循它们.

准备好进入会计行业了? Gain insights for every career stage in our free 会计 Career Guide.



软技能是无形的,但同样重要. These professional skills can help accountants navigate the workplace with success.

  1. 决策: Companies want people who can drive 业务 value by making suggestions that will increase its success. 
  2. 解决问题: Accountants need to move from only answering why something happened to proposing an answer for how companies can avoid the thing from happening in the future.
  3. 沟通清楚: 会计或说书人? 仅仅交出一份账簿是不够的. 企业也想要一个故事——数字所讲述的故事. 将数字转化为其含义的能力, and what should be done about it in a direct manner is a particularly valuable skill.
  4. 操作的理解: Accountants are expected to bring concerns (or opportunities) forward but they can only do this with a holistic understanding of the company.
  5. 战略思想: Can you look at the information laid out before you and see not what’s there, but what’s coming? 能有战略眼光的会计师很受欢迎. “It is very important for people to take the time to figure things out,” says Smith. “People need to understand that it’s not just the problem in front of you but how it fits into the overall 业务.”
  6. 主动学习: 科技进步, 商业实践的变化, 管理更新, the effect of external factors - accountants need to be able to adjust to the seemingly consistently changing face of 业务.
  7. 创造力: Old gangster movies used to have “creative accountants” who worked for the bad guys. 如今的公司需要的是与众不同的具有创造力的会计师, 能给工作带来新方法的人, 而不是“好吧, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行一直都是这么做的……” 
  8. 批判性思维: 普通的会计师做他们的工作. 优秀的会计师以批判的眼光完成他们的工作. Looking for inaccuracies and then focusing on the “how and why” enables accountants to find areas of improvement in the 业务.


It is important to have a certain level of proficiency in these skills but to be successful there’s a personal element as well. “公司正在寻找外向的会计师, 优秀的领导人, 有良好人际交往能力的人,Smeal说。. “Companies want forward thinkers with strong decision-making abilities.”

“We have computers that can do a lot of different things at this point. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行需要的是解决问题的人. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行需要有领导能力的项目经理。.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行增加了 that one of the most common complaints that she’s heard from hiring managers is that applicants have great skills, 坚实的经验, 但是没有个性. And it’s important for companies to know they’re getting more than just someone to work the numbers.”

“并非所有事情都是非黑即白的,”史密斯若有所思地说. “That’s why it’s so important that people ask questions and be willing to learn.”


This is an exciting time to take on this dynamic career, a career that can start with a degree from 十大正规赌博平台大全排行认可的会计学士学位课程. Franklin’s program is focused on teaching not just the basics of accounting but all of the hard and soft skills you’ll need to speak the language of 业务.   

十大正规赌博平台大全排行增加了, “The great strength of the accounting program at Franklin is that it has real-world practitioners teaching. It’s not just theory, they are bringing practical knowledge into the classroom.”

Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder and increase your earning potential.