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您的隐私对十大正规赌博平台大全排行很重要. 隐私政策


自互联网诞生以来,网络犯罪一直是一个日益严重的威胁. 如今,它让美国付出了巨大的代价.S. 经济 每年数十亿美元,影响个人、组织和政府. 除了财务影响之外, attacks on hospitals and critical infrastructure can potentially endanger millions of people’s lives and well-being.

In this context, the world needs highly-trained cybersecurity professionals more than ever. 在2022年,有 3.500万个网络安全职位空缺 在世界各地,和 劳工统计局 预测U.S. 到2031年,对该领域专家的需求将增长35%.

Entry into this in-demand and highly-paying field requires specialized skills and knowledge. One way to gain those qualifications is to earn a master’s degree in cybersecurity. 

什么是网络安全硕士学位 & 你学到了什么??

A master’s degree in cybersecurity is a focused graduate degree program for professionals who wish to advance in the field or to change careers and enter the cybersecurity space. 许多网络安全硕士学位, 包括十大正规赌博平台大全排行的, 不需要网络安全学士学位, although you may need to complete prerequisite coursework to prepare for the program. 

Master’s degrees in cybersecurity cover topics including engineering-level and management-level cybersecurity, theoretical and applied cybersecurity domains and offensive and defensive approaches. 这些学位通常需要1-2年才能完成. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程可以在16个月内完成,完全在线. 

2017年至2021年, the number of people completing master's degrees in computer and information security rose by 98%, 反映了对网络安全专家日益增长的需求. 即便如此,该领域仍然缺乏合格的专业人员. 根据领先的劳动力分析公司Lightcast的数据,美国劳动力市场正在迅速增长.S. 雇主共享 714,548个网络安全职位招聘信息 在截至2022年4月的12个月期间内,他们将获得更多的技能. Meanwhile, in 2021, only 5,551 people graduated with master’s degrees in the field.


A master’s in cybersecurity (also known as information security) prepares you for a wide array of job opportunities in nearly every field. 网络安全 professionals are critical employees in nearly every government agency and major corporation. They are particularly in demand in healthcare, research, finance, banking and manufacturing. 

根据Lightcast, roles and advertised salaries for cybersecurity roles requiring master’s degrees in 2022 include:


网络安全 architects design and oversee an organization’s security infrastructure and practices. They select and implement security practices and conduct oversight activities such as penetration testing and ethical hacking to ensure that the organization’s systems and data are as safe as possible. 

  • 广告工资中位数:155,500美元


网络安全经理负责监督信息安全系统和团队. They are responsible for monitoring the flow of information into and out of their organization’s networks and identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities. 网络安全 managers are typically in charge of tasks such as penetration testing, 加密和防火墙实现.

  • 广告工资中位数:15.14万美元


网络安全工程师执行保持网络安全的技术任务. 他们经常参与开发和维护技术安全系统. 他们测试和评估系统以识别风险, 然后制定解决方案,保护网络免受勒索软件和黑客攻击等威胁.

  • 广告工资中位数:112,600美元


选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



Information security analysts share certain duties with cybersecurity managers and engineers, 包括制定安全程序, keeping an eye out for new threats and vulnerabilities and installing security software and firewalls to protect the organization. They may also work across the organization to educate employees about cybersecurity practices and help develop technology use and information handling policies. 

  • 广告工资中位数:109,500美元


网络工程师为组织设计、建造和维护计算机网络. 他们识别影响性能的问题并对解决方案进行故障排除, conduct maintenance work like installing upgrades and security patches and manage network equipment like VPNs and routers. 作为这项工作的一部分, they ensure that the network is up-to-date and has all the proper security protections in place. 

  • 广告工资中位数:115,600美元


Penetration testers work to identify how a cybercriminal might target an organization or network by simulating cyberattacks and security breaches. 通常, penetration testers then create reports of the weaknesses they identify and offer recommendations for how the organization can mitigate those vulnerabilities.

  • 广告工资中位数:128,300美元


IT审计员的工作是改进公司的系统、政策和程序. 他们收集和审查有关信息系统和治理的数据, 数据存储, 安全程序和更多,以识别潜在的弱点. 视行业而定, they may also be tasked with ensuring that the company is in compliance with regulations (such as laws related to consumer 数据存储 and protection). 

  • 广告工资中位数:91,100美元


A master’s degree gives you the broad base of knowledge you need to work in a wide variety of contexts and to advance your career through increasingly challenging roles.

“Companies have three layers of operation, strategic, tactical and operational,” explains Dr. Bilge Karabacak, M.S. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的网络安全项目. 研究生级别的网络安全课程涵盖了所有这些层面. 网络安全 is not only a technological domain but also a people and process-oriented domain, 网络安全硕士课程也包括这三个领域.”

不像证书课程, master’s degrees in cybersecurity go beyond technical training to help you develop in-demand soft skills like leadership and communication, preparing you to deal with the complex ethical and legal challenges related to cybersecurity. 


无论你在网络安全方面的专业水平如何, a master’s degree from Franklin can help you advance in your career and prepare for more technically demanding roles or for leadership positions. 100%在线交付, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程是为在职专业人士设计的, 这样你就不必牺牲你的个人或职业生活. 在短短16个月内, you can earn your master’s degree and take the next step in your cybersecurity career.

由行业专家开发, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程与行业领先的认证密切相关, 包括ISC2的CISSP和CSSLP认证, CompTIA的Pentest+认证, EC-Council CEH Master和ISACA的CRISC认证. 在整个项目中, 你会在实践中学习, 确保你从第一天起就能应用你学到的新知识. 

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