Bookkeeping Certification: 5 Big Questions Answered

簿记是任何企业或组织的一个关键功能,因为财务状况应该为每一个决定提供信息. However, 并不是所有的簿记员都具备必要的技能,以帮助企业实现最佳绩效的方式解读数据. That's where earning a bookkeeping certification can make a big difference. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 170,200 openings for bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerks are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Bookkeepers who earn professional certifications have an edge.
"Many people claim to be bookkeepers, 但认证表明,个人具备提供准确财务数据所需的技能," said Annette Hoelzer, MT, CPA, Lead Faculty of Accounting at Franklin University. 一个获得了簿记认证的人证明了他们是行业的佼佼者——就像注册会计师是会计领域的佼佼者一样."

Every organization needs someone to record financial transactions accurately, but that's just the start. 簿记员想要在组织中产生影响并推动自己的职业发展,就需要在很多方面展示自己的价值. Earning a certification is a great place to start.

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1. What Qualifications Are Needed To Become a Bookkeeper?

At their core, bookkeepers produce financial records for organizations. 这个职业需要细致的记录和对细节的极度关注——因为准确性很重要. For example, 准确的记录对于税务准备和企业绩效评估至关重要. In addition, 企业主和组织依靠准确的簿记作为他们决策的基础.
According to leading labor analytics firm EMSI, 成为一名簿记员的要求通常包括扎实的会计技能, accounts payable and receivable, finance, data entry, auditing, billing and financial statements. 这是一个相当大的名单,候选人从投资课程中受益,显示出对职业的承诺. For example, 记账员应该知道如何使用现有的和新兴的软件,包括微软Excel, Payroll and Quickbooks.
"While bookkeepers don't necessarily need advanced degrees, 他们确实需要学习使记账成为可能的工具和技术," said Hoelzer. “这些技能对雇主来说是有益的,他们可能愿意为他们支付更高的薪水." 

2. What Is A Bookkeeping Certification?

簿记证书是一种专业资格,表明一个人在与管理公司财务报表和交易相关的簿记科目方面的技能水平. 证书可以通过大学或认可的专业协会获得. 
By investing in certification, bookkeepers create opportunities for career growth and financial reward. While the median pay for bookkeepers is $40,000 a year, 那些能够展示帮助雇主管理企业技能的专业人士可以挣得更多. So while bookkeepers don't need to earn certification to be employed, 花时间获得证书有助于创造就业机会和扩大收入潜力. 

3. What Are The Most Popular Bookkeeping Certification Programs?

When it comes to bookkeeping certifications, 有两个项目在全国范围内一直名列前茅:美国注册公共记账员协会(CPB)和美国专业记账员协会(AIPB)。. 
National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers
NACPB最适合拥有会计学士或副学士学位的人. 该认证在整个美国及其性质得到认可,并确保雇主的簿记知识和技能. Candidates need to pass a formal exam, agree to abide by the Code of Professional Conduct, conduct continuing education courses annually and apply for licensure. The certification can also be issued through work experience equivalent to 4,000 hours as a bookkeeper or accountant. 
American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers

AIPB最适合没有受过正规教育但至少有两年工作经验的人. Courses prepare candidates for the national Certified Bookkeeper (CB) exam, which tests knowledge of payroll, depreciation, inventory and much more. In addition, candidates must submit an application, meet work experience requirements, pass a four-part exam, adhere to the Code of Ethics, and complete 24 hours of continuing education annually.
"While at one time earning a certification was optional, it's now becoming a mandatory qualification on job descriptions," said Hoelzer. “雇主寻求能够提供附加值的高素质、熟练的记账员." 

4. Are There Microcredentials for Bookkeeping?

微证书项目允许专业人士在不进行大学学习的情况下获得新技能. The programs are often entirely online, providing easy and convenient access to educational materials, testing platforms, and more. 
For example, at Franklin University, 学生可以通过FranklinWORKS市场获得会计相关的专业证书, including programs in Microsoft Excel Skills and Intuit Bookkeeping. 这些证书课程为专业人士提供了做好工作所需的技能,并在其他求职者中脱颖而出. 

  • 培养学生与数据信息互动、组织和批判性思考的能力. 
  • They build data-informed financial decision-making models for tax, audit and managerial decision-making.
  • Over time, 他们纯粹基于数据分析来确定企业财务问题的根本原因和解决方案.
  • Finally, they design new business processes and efficient systems.

这些100%的在线证书课程非常适合那些想要提升自己会计职业生涯的候选人, 为注册会计师考试做准备,或者更好地理解数据分析能力如何增强各种会计角色. It’s a smart investment in professional development, and what’s more, it can be completed in less than one year. 

5. Why Should You Earn a Bookkeeping Certification?

投资于继续教育和认证的簿记员增加了他们在行业中的市场地位. Employers seek the best talent, 认证标志着对专业和持续卓越的承诺.

  • 认证使簿记员能够理解数据收集,并以帮助领导者做出明智决策的方式解释数据.
  • Employers are increasingly adding certification to job requirements, presenting opportunities for those who invest in continuing education.
  • Many people claim to be bookkeepers, 但认证表明,个人实际上具有提供准确财务信息所需的技能.
  • 获得认证表明一个人在他们的专业领域处于领先地位,并且表现出色,有资格获得薪酬和机会.
  • Bookkeeping technology continuously changes, and people with certifications know and understand the latest software.

企业和组织总是需要有能力和准确的簿记员, and certification is the best way to advance in the profession. Franklin University's Accounting Data Analytics Certificate 装备簿记员在他们目前的工作中取得成功,并提供晋升机会. 
Franklin also offers degrees in accounting, helping students speak the language of business. The B.S. Accounting degree 提供雇主在财务报告和分析等领域所需的全方位技能, managerial accounting, auditing ethics and financial management. 

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