
Excel & 拥有医疗管理硕士学位

Franklin University’s 医疗管理硕士 (MHA) program provides the essential knowledge required for you to undertake senior managerial and 规划 work in a variety of healthcare settings. 你可以快速完成十大正规赌博平台大全排行的MHA学位课程, 在短短16个月内实现你的学位在现实世界中的好处, 哪个程序比其他程序快. 和, 如果你有资格, GMAT和GRE要求可以免除, 让你可以立即开始你的学习计划, 没有长时间的准备周期.


在你上第一节课之前,就为你所知道的东西争取学分. Franklin demonstrates its commitment to ambitious adults by honoring their previous professional experiences and credentials, 包括国家认证. If you have earned certifications through professional 组织 including the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), 美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA), 美国医院协会(AHA), 或美国医疗行政管理协会(AAHAM), 你最多可以转8个学分, 相当于MHA学位所需的10门课程中的两门.

专为忙碌的专业人士设计, our healthcare administration master's courses are planned and updated in accordance with the changing healthcare environment. 除了为你担任管理职位做准备, 你将面临一系列学术方法的挑战, 包括案例研究, 讲座, 小组作业, 以及社区和医疗保健项目. 你也会接触到热门的市场话题, 比如医疗改革, 卫生信息技术, 和问责保健组织(ACOs).


  1. 认识并阐明事实, 概念, 与医疗管理相关的理论和实践

  2. Integrate healthcare administration theories, principles, and practices for future application

  3. 系统地应用沟通, 技术, 分析知识, and critical thinking skills to administrative and clinical healthcare related problem-solving

  4. 评估计划的有效性, 发展, 以及医疗管理解决方案的实施

  5. 设计和创造解决方案来解决和解决社会问题, 文化, 环境保健问题

课程 & 课程描述

HCM 733 -医疗机构的财务和管理会计(4)

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamental 概念 and calculations associated with financial accounting and managerial accounting within a healthcare organization. Students will study the foundational aspects of financial accounting with a primary focus on financial statements and the uses of the information in these statements. Students will also study the functional aspects of managerial accounting to include cost behavior, 成本分配, 定价, 规划, 预算, 利润分析, 以及绩效评估. 这些概念的应用将包括案例分析.

HCM 735 -医疗保健服务系统(4)

本课程提供了美国领导力的广泛概述.S. 卫生服务系统. The focus of the course will be on the role health services leadership plays in the delivery of healthcare services, 包括与专业人士一起管理, 财务管理, 服务利用率, 以及美国经济的其他方面.S. 医疗保健系统. The student will explore the key theoretical and practical elements of leadership as well as current issues clarifying how the U.S. 卫生服务系统得到组织、管理和资助.

HCM 742 -医疗保健法律和道德(4)

在本课程中,学生将发展卫生法的坚实基础, enabling them to deal with common legal and practical moral and ethical issues facing the healthcare organization on a daily basis. 主题将包括成文法, 规章制度, 侵权法回顾, 刑法, 合同法, 民事诉讼与审判实务. 学生将研究许多法律、道德和伦理问题.

HCM 752 -健康政策(4)

This course will explore the essential conceptual and analytical understanding of health policymaking and politics, 包括对卫生管理和领导的影响. Selected policy issues will be explored through the application of political 概念 and behavioral models, 包括制定政策的系统模型. The emphasis will be on understanding the health leaders approach to the policymaking system, 参与其中, 并通过它来实现他们和他们组织的目标.

HCM 762 -全球卫生(4)

学生将研究人口统计数据, 流行病学方法, 结果评估, 健康促进, 以及全球视角下的疾病预防.

HCM 765 -医疗保健运营管理(4)

学生将探索运营和供应链管理的概念和理论. The student will develop both knowledge and skills in solving the 操作 problems of healthcare 组织.

HCM 772 -医疗保健战略管理(4)

The student will examine principles of strategic management applied to healthcare 组织. This Capstone course through critical assessments of the real world environment and case studies on strategy formulation, 实现, and evaluation will examine alternative strategic frameworks for healthcare 组织. 主题将包括, 任务, 发展愿景陈述, 环境评估, 优势分析, 弱点, 机遇与威胁, 使用关键的成功因素, 制定商业计划, 以及其他战略规划和管理的技巧.

他702 -卫生信息治理(4)

This course covers the broad spectrum of strategic issues in healthcare including policies, 的指导方针, 标准, 流程, 以及管理和实现企业级信息所需的控制. 将信息视为医疗保健组织的战略资产, 流程 to manage various risks to the quality of information and ensure its appropriate use are covered.



他710 -临床工作流程 & 应用程序(4)

本课程探讨各种住院病人的临床工作流程要求, 门诊, 以及紧急医疗环境. 它涵盖了文档, 审查, 映射, 并绘制临床工作流程信息和流程图. The course also covers the linkages between the improvement of patient care to workflow 映射 and change management, 作为医疗保健循证决策的一部分.

他761 -医疗保健分析(4)

本课程介绍检索的过程, 分析, 并报告情报以做出医疗保健决策. 它涵盖了提取技术, transforming and loading data from a myriad of 操作 databases into corporate data warehouses, 这意味着确保决策是基于干净可靠的信息. 该课程还包括报告收集到的医疗保健情报的方法.

770年毕业生 -精益六西格玛(4)

The purpose of this course is to train individuals in Lean Six Sigma skills and strategies to improve 流程 and provide safe, 有效的护理环境. The learner will demonstrate the practical application of tools utilized with Lean Six Sigma methodologies. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned during this course concurrently with a case study designed specifically to use Six Sigma methodologies. Students will develop a Lean Six Sigma project plan that can serve as the foundation for completing a major project for Lean Six Sigma certification following the completion of the course. Interested students would need to apply for Lean Six Sigma certification and complete the major project with Franklin University's Center for Professional Training & 发展.

人力资源管理701 -人力资源管理(4)

本课程提供了一个深入了解日常工作的框架, practical approaches/aspects of problems/challenges that impact the human resource management field. 话题包括招聘, 招聘, 培训, 保留, 奖励, and promoting employees; compensation and benefits; employment 规划, 绩效管理系统, and succession 规划; labor relations; and managing organizational relationships.

PUAD 701 -政府的基础 & 非营利组织管理(4)

Students examine fundamental public service values that differentiate the 任务 and purpose of government and nonprofit 组织 from those of private, 以营利为目的, 组织. The course focuses on applying public administration and organizational theories to analyze administrative problems faced by leaders and managers implementing government and nonprofit programs. Students learn to think systematically about selecting alternative options for delivering programs and improving organizational performance. 最后, 培养学生基本的信息素养, 计算, 写作, 以及有效的学术和专业沟通所需的表达技巧.

603年心理学 ——管理心理学(4)

This course will explore the psychological influences on the 发展 and behavior of managers and organizational leaders. 主题包括:追随者的影响,自然vs. 培养领导者, 个性与领导风格的关系, 行为决策偏差, 战术, 操作, 战略决策 , 群体思维, 情景规划.



他710 -临床工作流程 & 应用程序(4)

本课程探讨各种住院病人的临床工作流程要求, 门诊, 以及紧急医疗环境. 它涵盖了文档, 审查, 映射, 并绘制临床工作流程信息和流程图. The course also covers the linkages between the improvement of patient care to workflow 映射 and change management, 作为医疗保健循证决策的一部分.

他761 -医疗保健分析(4)

本课程介绍检索的过程, 分析, 并报告情报以做出医疗保健决策. 它涵盖了提取技术, transforming and loading data from a myriad of 操作 databases into corporate data warehouses, 这意味着确保决策是基于干净可靠的信息. 该课程还包括报告收集到的医疗保健情报的方法.

Adding a focus area provides an opportunity for customization but is not required for completion of the degree. 重点领域可能需要最多两门额外的课程. Students may take 他710 or 他761 as the Major Elective and only need the one additional course to complete the focus area.